• Linseed Journal #1

Linseed Journal

Linseed Journal #1

Regular price $44.00

Linseed is a journal of cultural entanglement. A tribute to the linseed, each print Volume is themed around a single edible, organic material: A material with enduring cultural significance, which nourishes and inspires, at the confluence of the human and natural worlds.

Issue One: A celebration of cultural crossover and local identity, through the lens of The Apple.

Issue One assembles over forty emerging and established talents from around the world, finding new unity in print. Each offers a local lens on culture in all its guises, from pre-history to the present. Ideas spanning caravanning, canals and contemporary craft, to food history, folk song and fibre art... nothing is off limits.

Artists reflect on the ecology of Mexico and Tasmania; journalists report from Kenya and Nova Scotia; and writers draw from their neighbourhoods in Glasgow, New York and East London.

London, U.K.; 152 pages; 330mm x 240mm; July 2022

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