• Omoshiro Japan #01

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Omoshiro Japan #01

Regular price $19.00

The Omoshiro Japan series reflects my hope to connect people with the Japan that I have rediscovered myself after growing up in Japan and now living in Canada.

The word “Omoshiro” is created from “omoshiroi” which means funny or enjoyable.   Each zine will be slightly niche and reveals things most readers are unlikely to notice by themselves. Of course, I hope everybody discovers new ideas for a trip to Japan but I’ll be happy to just make people consider “I wonder what kind of place it is …”   In this issue, I look at traditional candy in Japan where more than 1500 new snack products are introduced each year. With so many new products appearing one after another, there are a limited number of traditional candies still widely available today.

So, let’s explore more about these popular candies and have fun learning a few playful facts as well.

About the artist: Mika is a zinester, craft artist and Japanese voice narrator who has been living in Canada for over 20 years. She enjoys sharing fun insights about her Toronto lifestyle as well as introducing readers to interesting aspects of Japanese culture and travels through her OKE Styles Zine collection. 

By Mika Ikeda; 2024; 210x110mm; 36 pages; Hand Sewn Binding; Zine Shine 2024