• Direction Of Travel #06

Direction of Travel

Direction Of Travel #06

Regular price $25.00

A newspaper about airline maps and the culture of flying. 

In this issue: Africa. Alongside maps and artists projects, this issue includes a real mix of stories: ‘Aircraft Stowaways’, a map and essay on people who have fled by hiding inside the wheelbay of aircraft; ‘Lost on the ground’ an essay and photos that explore the rise and fall of airline ticket offices; ‘Revue’ looks at the influence of Air France and Sabena’s inflight magazine from the 1950s. ‘Courage in the air’ celebrates the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service; ‘Commentators of the sky’ examines the relatively new phenomenon of airport live broadcasting, which turns out not to be so new afterall.

London, United Kingdom; 290x375mm; 40 pages