• The Lab Mag, Futuro Vol.II

The Lab Mag

The Lab Mag, Futuro Vol.II

Regular price $75.00

The Lab Mag brings creative experiences to creative minds. Each printed issue explores a new theme, and traverses genres of art mediums. The Lab Mag is a reminder that the world is full of wonder and our reason for being is to keep the flame of curiosity burning.

In this issue: Futuro Vol. II 

We invite you into an oasis of calm. The thinkers we have gathered for your attention are worthy of your time. They offer up an array of work that comes from their quiet moments, their profound moments, and their original thinking. It is a continuation of the conversation we began in FUTURO VOL 1.

Do you want to know how bees see? Or listen in on a conversation between polymath Stephen Fry and artist Landon Ross? Perhaps you want to know if the subaltern can speak? Or if you can fall in love with an AI chatbot? Perhaps you want to see the unseen? Do you want to imagine the end of the world which will make you love this one so much more? Or find out about Future Ancestral Technologies? Would you like a trip to Space? To see a lonely astronaut? All of this and so much more.

First thing to do it to take your iphone and click on the QR code on Connor Tingley’s article, then turn your phone to the front cover and watch the past (15th century painting using the sfumato technique) communicate with the future (the iphone). There’s so much to blow your mind and remind you of how wonderful this daft, crazy future world of ours can be and is.

The future is bright. The future is in your hands

Hollywood, California; 230mm x 300mm; bi-annual