• Feels #22


Feels #22

Regular price $31.00

Feels is, well, a publication about feelings. It is a place to explore, to share, and to be honest. Having an open dialogue about what’s going on inside of us can foster meaningful connections and make us feel less alone.

In this issue: Dreaming

What does it mean to dream? What is our relationship to dreaming? Whether we mean the conscious or unconscious kind, our dreams can motivate, frighten, and delight us. They can divide or connect us; confuse us or bring us clarity; inspire or halt us. They can be our catalyst, yet can be snuffed out in an instant. How do we interpret, understand, and respond to our dreams? What are they telling us? In issue 22, we explore our dreaming experiences - both awake, and asleep. 

Toronto, Canada; 190 x 240m; 56 pages; Bi-Annual; First published in 2017.