• The Architectural Review #1510

The Architectural Review

The Architectural Review #1510

Regular price $47.75


The Architectural Review is a monthly architectural magazine. Its articles cover the built environment – which includes landscape, building design, interior design and urbanism – as well as the theory associated with these subjects.

In this issue: 

In making the map that appears on this issue’s cover, artist Sabine Réthoré ‘ignored the borders’ and instead traced the routes and rivers that link ‘the thousands of points or places of exchange’. As Laura Lo Presti writes, ‘maps of the Mediterranean have become ingrained in our minds and are accepted as if they show inherent, natural features, even though they are subjective and human-made.’ The framing of this region as ‘the Mediterranean’ is similarly a human construction, with multiple faces and identities. The sea has a dual nature – it is both a barrier and a connection, depending on which coast you stand on.

London, UK; 230 x 280mm; April 2024; 113 pages; Publishing since 1896