• Wunderdog #08


Wunderdog #08

Regular price $25.00

Wunderdog is a new independent dog magazine for underdogs and wonderdogs. Wunderdog tells the stories of rescue dogs and their people. Find plenty of very good dogs and humans, whose stories will inspire you to get involved and hug your own rescue dog(s) even more.

We publish a beautiful print magazine twice a year, and we continuously post additional stories on this website.
While animal welfare is at the heart of Wunderdog, we also bring you the good life with rescue dogs. 

In this issue: 

  • Rez Dogs: Helping dogs on First Nations Reservations without revisiting trauma.
  • Curtis Holder: Drawing his beloved whippet is the closest the Sky Arte winner gets to a self portrait.
  • Dog Manifesto: 14 proposals that will protect all dogs and regulate humans.

London, United Kingdom; 210x275mm; 112 pages