• The New York Review of Books, July 18, 2024

The New York Review of Books

The New York Review of Books, July 18, 2024

Regular price $9.95

The New York Review of Books is a semi-monthly magazine with articles on literature, culture, economics, science and current affairs. Published in New York City, it is inspired by the idea that the discussion of important books is an indispensable literary activity.

In this issue: The Fiction Issue
  • New Stories by Helen Dewitt and Mohamed Mbougar Sarr
  • Marilynne Robinson: The Meaning of MAGA
  • Jed Perl: Jean Hélion's Perpetual Experiments
  • Kenneth Roth: The Rights of Civilians in Gaza 
  • Fintan O'Toole: Friendless Trump
  • Anne Enright: The Sins and the Censors of John McGahern
  • Francine Prose: Tommy Orange's Panoramic Corrections
  • Natasha Wimmer: The Fantastic Charms of Angel Bonomini
  • Michael Gorra: Percival Everett Against Mark Twain
  • Yuri Slezkine: Why Read the Russians?

New York, USA; 270mm x 380mm; 47 pages