• Numéro Art #12


Numéro Art #12

Regular price $18.00

Numero Art, the reference magazine for contemporary art.

In this issue: Actress Camille Cottin tries her hand at a new role: muse of artist and photographer Lea Colombo, who plunges her into the heart of her flamboyant pictorial universe in a series that pays tribute to Matisse, Picasso and Warhol. Three artists celebrated this season by major exhibitions. The French film star also talks in a long interview about her unique relationship with art, nurtured by her artist father. Numéro art also photographed the artist Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster in her recent exhibition in Madrid. Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, one of the most respected and celebrated French artists in the world, reveals herself in an interview as the high priestess of the exhibition, which she transforms into scripted environments and fantastical experiences. & more!

France; 230 x 300mm; 231 pages; Bilingual in English and French

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