• DIVINE | illusions of gender Vol. 1

Divine Photo Project

DIVINE | illusions of gender Vol. 1

Regular price $22.00

Born out of the intersection of queerness & artistic expression, DIVINE | illusions of gender invites the viewer to question the illusion of gender, dismantling the constructs of the binary.

DIVINE Photo Project is poised to make a lasting impact, challenging perceptions & sparking vital conversations about the nature of gender, identity & self-expression.

This portfolio serves as a visual narrative, weaving together themes of vulnerability, sexuality, creativity & defiance against a backdrop of societal expectations, wishing to invite the audience to embrace the complexities of human experience.

This work aims to illuminate the beauty found within the margins, celebrating the kaleidoscope of identities that defy categorization.

A collaborative effort, this work has been made possible by the uniqueness of each human photographed.



Toronto, Canada; 125mm x 180mm; 21 pages; includes sticker & mystery print!