• New York Review of Architecture, July/August 2024

New York Review of Architecture

New York Review of Architecture, July/August 2024

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The New York Review of Architecture reviews architecture in New York. 

In this issue: 

  • Aaron Timms: Is this not what a city - what a civilization - should be for: to proide society's most vulnerable with sanctuary, hospitality, hope? 
  • Jake Romm: Like all good social movements, the student Palestine solidarity movement exceeds itself in unintended ways.
  • Jael Goldfine: The attention economy is the world we live inside, and distraction is a lifestyle.
  • Thomas De Monchaux: This superabundance of signification brings us, inevitably, to the kitchen of Tony Soprano. 
  • Marianela D'Aprile: The spaces in the galleries, instead of reflecting the typical trappings of experimentation - trials, errors, uncertainties, mess - or of home - patina, use, wear, also mess - are uncomfortably bare.
  • Hannah Williams: The workers who ensured this rapid transmogrification from living beings to consumer goods saw the exchange rendered visible in their own broken bodies.
  • Christopher Hawthorne: The point was not to reject theory or the idea of disciplinary autonomy so much as to take on the full range of architecture's influence and impact. 

New York City, United States; 265x410mm; 43 pages