• Posterzine #51


Posterzine #51

Regular price $18.00

Posterzine is People of Print’s monthly publishing project, which aims to create affordable art for the masses. Each issue is made in collaboration with a different artist or designer to create a stunning hybrid piece: a mini-magazine which folds out into a gorgeous A1 format poster printed on G.F.Smith Papers, featuring exclusive interviews in woven throughout. 

It is the only poster in the world that is registered with the British Library as a magazine. Posterzine is published by People of Print (In Perpetuum) in partnership with Pressision Printers & Finishers & G.F. Smith Papers.

Issue 051: Timothy Goodman

  • Gracing the pages of the 51st issue of Posterzine is Timothy Goodman, a NYC-based designer, illustrator, muralist, and author who's art has populated walls, packaging, and clothing all over the world. Whether it's a large-scale public mural on the streets of NYC, a marker scrawling on a Uniqlo t-shirt, a web-based social experiment that documents his life, or writing personal stories on Instagram, he wants to start dialogues about difficult topics such as love, heartbreak, politics, race, therapy and mental health.

  • Includes a fold out A1 poster.

London, U.K.; 210mm x 297mm,

594mm x 841mm when folded open