• The Believer #147 Fall 2024

The Believer

The Believer #147 Fall 2024

Regular price $18.00

The Believer, a thirteen-time National Magazine Award finalist, is a quarterly literature, arts, and culture magazine published by McSweeney’s. In each issue, readers will find journalism, essays, intimate interviews, an expansive comics section, poetry, and on occasion, delightful and unexpected bonus items. 

In Issue 147: 

Inside Issue 147: Will McGrath tags along with a basketball team of Somali American teenagers as they journey from Minnesota to the Sunshine State for a national tournament; R. Emmet Sweeney describes the many attempts to adapt a bestselling 2,500-page Tamil epic for film; Mychal Denzel Smith turns to online chess after the loss of his mother leaves him unable to write; Sandy Ernest Allen traces our cultural depictions of electroshock therapy; and Boots Riley, in a sprawling interview with Annalee Newitz, discusses comic books, labor strikes, and conversations as art form. You’ll also find interviews with Kaveh AkbarKate ZambrenoJack Stratton of trailblazing indie band Vulfpeck, and punk legend Kathleen Hanna; as well as two new poems by Eduardo C. Corral and Ruben Quesada that have been illustrated by artists Gabrielle Bell and Hartley Lin.

Find all this plus: Giri Nathan on the paranoia in M. Night Shyamalan’s weirdest film; Nick Hornby recommending, with some regret, reading material for Bruce Springsteen fans; and Carrie Brownstein returning to advise on the subject of “healthy” eating. And, as always, even more awaits within these ink-perfumed pages, including small-press book reviews, games, and a grand tour of Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities.

San Francisco, California; 132 pages; 215mm x 250mm; Winter 2024