• New York Review of Architecture #43/44

New York Review of Architecture

New York Review of Architecture #43/44

Regular price $20.00

The New York Review of Architecture reviews architecture in New York. 

Contributors in this issue: Aaron Timms, Mark Krotov, Eric Schwartau, Jennifer Kabat, Alternative Building Industry Collective, Samuel Stein, Estudio Teddy Cruz + Fonna Forman, Liza Featherstone, Thomas de Monchaux, Kate Wagner, Zach Mortice, Greta Rainbow, Zack Hatfield, Cassandra Rota, Christopher Hawthorne, Hayley J. Clark, Paige K. Bradley, Andrew Marzoni, Sharon Zukin, Andy Battle, Carolina Miranda, James Andrew Billingsley, Michael Casper, Marianela D’Aprile, Moze Halperin, Joseph Henry, Michael Abrahamson, Christine Pardue, Andreas Petrossiants, Carina Imbornone, Nicolas Kemper, Phil Coldiron, Steven Phillips-Horst, Ian Volner, Nick Murray, & Sarah Chekfa

New York City, United States; 265x410mm; 52 pages