• Rubbish Famzine #12
  • Rubbish Famzine #12
  • Rubbish Famzine #12

    Rubbish Famzine

    Rubbish Famzine #12

    Regular price $317.00

    Out of Singapore, Rubbish Famzine is a project produced by the Lim family, which has documented their life together through film, culture and ephemera for nearly 10 years now. The project has grown with the family, and the heart with which it was made seeps into each bit of it; and there are a lot of bits! Each issue contains several components which make up the whole zine: it could be small photo books, a toy, a watch, a packet of ramen... everything is possible. This is a treasured object made with a whole lot of heart. 

    In this issue: The Insatiable Beast Devours Tokyoto Again

    • The 12th issue of Rubbish Famzine documents the Lim family's long-awaited return to Tokyo. 
    • A beautiful box decorated with "Ramen Rider" contains nine miniature books, a package of instant noodles, a courtesy napkin, chopsticks, and much more. 

    Singapore; 155x205mm box contains over 700 pages of smaller booklets and includes several extra fun bits and bobs.